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The information contained on this website represents the views and opinions of Orient Electric Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Orient Electric” or the “Company” or “We” or “Us”) on the issues discussed, as of the date of publication. Orient Electric has taken due care and caution in compilation of data for its website. However, the Company does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the information or assessments made herein. The Company does not undertake the responsibility of regularly updating the content herein and does not undertake any liability in, and shall not be responsible for, any matter arising as a result of any action / inaction which places reliance upon the information and / or statements made available on this website.
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Our Services may display some content that is not of Orient Electric. Such content is the sole responsibility of the entity that makes it available. We may review content to determine whether it is illegal or violates our policies, and we may remove or refuse to display content that we reasonably believe violates our policies or the law. However, continuation of any such display does not necessarily mean that we review content and it has Orient Electric approval.
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